Entries from 2020-01-01 to 1 year

Step By Step Weaning for a Healthy Baby

Breastfeeding your baby is a wholesome experience, a true bonding time between the baby and the mother. It is a milestone achievement, the one that makes your baby healthy and strong. But breastfeeding has to come to an end one day, the ba…

How Do I Give Myself the Best Chance to Breastfeed Successfully?

Breastfeeding your baby is the most rewarding and fulfilling feeling ever and no mother should let go of it easily. It comes naturally to all mothers and breast milk is the best source of nutrition for the baby for the first six months. It…

How to Know If Your Breast Flanges is the Right Size

Breast pumping is the best friend of every lactating mother. This allows the mother to go about her day; feeling satisfied that the baby is being fed the best milk. Pumping is also an integral part of a healthy mother-baby relationship. It…

Best Lactation Supplements and How Safe Are They?

You haven’t truly tasted motherhood if at some given point you didn’t doubt that the milk supply from your breasts isn’t enough for the little one. Self-doubting, feeling anxious and overthinking are some of the common traits of every moth…

Complete Guide on Storing Breast Milk

Breast milk is the best form of the milk for the baby. There’s no alternative or substitute for it, this is even written on the powdered milk formulas. Whether you are going back to work, seeking your partners help in taking care of the ba…

Feeding Infants and Birth Resources during Covid-19

During these uncertain, ambiguous and testing times, each one of us is feeling a range of emotions. In this global pandemic, we at MilkyMama want to give the information that is evidence based, reliable and easy to comprehend. Breastfeedin…