Step By Step Weaning for a Healthy Baby

Breastfeeding your baby is a wholesome experience, a true bonding time between the baby and the mother. It is a milestone achievement, the one that makes your baby healthy and strong. But breastfeeding has to come to an end one day, the baby is now big and has to eat rather than just drinking, in order to grow, nurture and foster. Eating decadent emergency lactation brownies, cuddling with your baby at night to nurse him till he falls asleep are a few things you will miss about this amazing time. But on the flip side if your baby is not getting his/her fill, not gaining enough weight or the mother is unable to pump milk while at work, the best course of action is to weaning.

What Does Weaning Mean?  

Getting the baby off from breastfeeding, when the child is not taking any breast milk it means weaning. WHO recommends feeding the baby exclusively for the first 6 months and after that introduce solids. At this time, mothers can start the weaning process. But if the mother and the child love the process and are game then it can go up to 2 years. The replacement of the breast milk is hard to find, in fact it is impossible. The immunity boosters in the milk and the comfort that the mother’s lap provide are irreplaceable. Cow’s milk can be given to the baby from a sippy cup or mug and complementary foods like eggs, biscuits, rice, custard and bananas can be added to the baby's diet to make him feel full.

What is the Best Time to Start Weaning?   

There isn’t a rule that fits all, weaning is a process that requires nerves, determination and courage, the ideal time is when you or your baby is ready. Some babies are good at handling transition and some are fussing about a change in their lifestyle. Try to start this process when everything is settled and there isn’t any big change happening just before or after the weaning process. Some babies show signs that they’re ready to take this transition in their stride; these signs can help the mother to seize the opportunity and start the weaning process.

If the child is older than one year, has 18-20 tooth, is able to chew almost any type of whole food, is healthy, active and not having any vaccinations and finds comfort in the pacifier, toys or tabs then the mother can initiate the weaning as the child is ready for the transition. Mother –led weaning is more difficult and unnerving as the baby is not ready for evolution. First of all the baby will throw tantrums and do everything in his capacity to show his displeasure in having a bottle made with formula milk. Crying all night, not eating anything, clinginess, regressive behavior, stressful and anxious baby and engorged breasts are just a few things you’ll have to face during this process.

If the baby is less than six months then bottles are mother’s best friend and accomplice. Substitute nursing session with bottle feeds, sounds easy right? Well, not really, babies older than 3 months know the difference between the milk and will give the mother a hard time. Ideally mothers should always incorporate bottles with their feed even if the milk is still breast milk, this will make the baby comfortable with the bottle and weaning will be much easier later.

Babies older than 6 months can drink from cups or sippy mugs; they can also eat solid foods that will keep their stomach full for longer. Start by offering water or some juice in the cup to make the child familiar and then start sliding milk in the cup as well. Use distractions like toys, stuffed animals, cartoons or other things that hold their interest to keep them a bay from your milk. Moms there is another challenge up your sleeve, engorgement and pain from the full breasts will make the process 100 times harder. If you were taking anything to increase your supply, then stop taking them at least 3 weeks prior to weaning.

Step By Step Guide For Weaning

Planning the weaning process, taking information, seeking advice, reading articles and tapering is the best course of action. Stopping abruptly can distress your baby, make you tired, frustrated and agitated as weaning will not be easy especially if the baby is an avid drinker. Hold off those delicious emergency lactation brownies and pump just enough to ease the pressure, don’t pump aggressively because the body will think that it needs to produce more milk to fill the empty space.

Start by keeping a close eye on your baby’s habits and patterns. Observe at least 2-3 weeks before starting weaning. Keep a track of his feeding demands and figure out the time that he is most distracted and just nursing for fun, skip that feeding session. Try substituting bottle feed at that time; it will be hard so ask help from your partner or any other family member. Try not to bottle feed yourself, stay out of the room and let your partner do it.

Try anticipating the times you know the baby is going to ask for breastfeeding, preplan distractions so that you can pass that time. Adding a consistent diet will also help the baby to feel fuller and less cranky. The most difficult part is the late night and early morning feed time; these are the last to go. Go for a routine that doesn’t have breastfeeding as a center, singing a rhyme, reading a book for nap time can be a good distraction. Holding the baby close, frequent kisses, hugs and cuddles will make the baby feel secure and will not stress about the closeness. Switch places for bottle feeding, don’t opt for the same place where you breastfed. It will make it difficult for the baby to let go of the milk.

Weaning can be hard for the baby; it can even lead to the baby being totally off the milk which is not good. Plan according to your baby and workout a schedule that makes it easy for the mother and the baby, simultaneously.    

How Do I Give Myself the Best Chance to Breastfeed Successfully?

Breastfeeding your baby is the most rewarding and fulfilling feeling ever and no mother should let go of it easily. It comes naturally to all mothers and breast milk is the best source of nutrition for the baby for the first six months. It has antibodies which help fight any bacteria or virus that the child might interact with. The risk of respiratory illnesses, diarrhea, asthma, diabetes, obesity and ear infections is also far less. Mothers feel concerned about their supply and opt for bottle feed, if any mother has doubts regarding milk supply try lactating cookies made of all-natural herbs to combat a steady, strong and abundant supply for the little one.

First time mommies can get overwhelmed by the plethora of instructions, information and suggestions that friends and family can hurl on them regarding the topic of breastfeeding. As far as I think, this journey is very personal and private; mommies can learn from their own mistakes, take their own risks and do things in their preferred way or style. In order to have a home run in breastfeeding, moms-to-be must be very much committed and resolute in their decision to breastfeed. Make up your mind before delivery as this process starts right after you deliver the baby.

Things to do to boost your Chances of Successful Breastfeeding

Start Right After you deliver

The secret to efficacious breastfeeding is to start it within the first hour of birth, I know that time passes in a whirlwind but that is the best time. The colostrum is the first milk that comes out of your breasts and it is very good for the baby. The skin to skin touch promotes a healthy relationship between the mom and new baby. It also gives the vital signals to the hormones to produce milk to cater the demand.

Educate yourself  

Mommies must educate themselves about this new responsibility on their shoulders and shouldn’t just throw themselves to the sharks. Join breastfeeding classes that show and tell everything about it and open your mind on so many things. Every mom should have a strong support team of family members and friends. Also consult a good lactation expert for any queries you can have during the journey.

Stock up on Supplies

Get a couple of good nursing bras, nursing pads, right size flanges, creams for any sore nipples and comfortable pajamas to take on this challenge in a resilient and diligent stride.

Spend Nights Together

Sharing the bed together with your new born baby the whole night can be a very important step toward a fruitful breastfeeding process. It endorses breastfeeding frequently and not only increase milk supply; it also makes the baby feel secure and results in a fulfilled, happy and healthy baby.

Work for that Latch

The best way to make sure you’re on the right track with your breastfeeding journey is to make sure that the baby is having the right latch. The success of breastfeeding relies on a good latch. Moms mostly blame themselves for a low supply of milk and start with lactating cookies and teas, whereas the culprit can be the bad latch.


All moms can experience this beautiful phase of motherhood, just relax and don’t be so hard on yourselves. Don’t compare yourself with others and take good care of your diet and water intake. Feed the baby on demand rather than following schedules and exclusively feed for at least 6 months. All this can make your breastfeeding journey and success!  

How to Know If Your Breast Flanges is the Right Size

Breast pumping is the best friend of every lactating mother. This allows the mother to go about her day; feeling satisfied that the baby is being fed the best milk.  Pumping is also an integral part of a healthy mother-baby relationship. It allows a steady supply of milk for the baby and gives some relaxing time to the mother. Working mothers can exclusively pump for the child without any fear, if they feel a drop in the supply; they can go for lactation supplement to boost supply.

For a good pumping session, proper flange size is absolutely crucial and must be given importance. Flange also known as breast shield is a shaft on the breast pump that fastens with your breast, creates a vacuum when squeezed and draws the milk out, collecting the milk in the bottle or pump. When buying one for yourself, keep in mind that it not only helps in expressing the milk but is user-friendly and comfortable. An incorrect size can cause sore nipples, decrease in milk supply and an unsatisfied cranky baby.

Why is Correct Flange Sizing So Important?

The correct flange size must be given its due importance as it can affect both the mother and baby. The first and foremost reason for breast pumping is to ensure a constant supply of milk for the baby at all times, right? A wrong sized breast shield can be a hurdle in achieving that. If the size of the flange is not a perfect fit then the breast milk couldn’t be drawn completely from the breasts, causing blocked milk ducts. Pumping is a great and known way to increase milk supply, but the right size flange must be the top priority. A poor fit can cause sore nipples, redness and cuts on the nipples due to the aggravated sucking session. A right sized flange makes the pumping process a whole lot easier and a breeze for the mother.

What is the Standard Size of the Breast Shield you Normally Get?  

Every mother has their own journey, problems, learning experience and solution to combat. In the same way they have different breast sizes, diverse ways of caring and have polarizing opinions about breastfeeding and food. But one thing they all can come together on the same page for is the fact about the right size of flanges. The standard size is 24-27 millimeters, which should be congruous to your nipple.

Accurately Measure your Nipple for the Perfect Fit  

In order to assess the proper size for the flange one needs to measure the diameter of the nipple, not the areola. Measure one side of the nipple to the other and add 1-3 mm to the result, depending on when you measured the nipple before pumping or after pumping. When you place the nipple in the flange funnel it should only have a room of 3-5mm to wiggle or move. Only the nipple should enter the shield without any interference from the areola. Mothers often get confused to understand exactly what part to measure. Well, measure from the button of the nipple, the part where the nipple is attached to the areola, the widest part. This will give to the accurate measurement for a great pumping session.

How to determine if the Size is a Perfect Fit?

Well, with mothers getting more aware of their options, every other breast pump company has a variety of breast shields to satisfy each mother’s need. They have a huge range to choose from, starting from 21mm-36mm. Although 24mm is still the standard size, you can check for the flange size chart before getting one for yourself. With the guideline mentioned above determining the correct size won’t be a problem anymore. Still there can be some change in the size and you can tell if the flange fits you or not by asking these few questions after using it only once.

The breast shield should flawlessly fit the nipple in the funnel and no part of areola should enter. Ask yourself that while pumping did you feel any pain or discomfort? If you do then it means that the size is not fit as expressing milk shouldn’t cause any discomfort or pain. Also check if the nipple is being scratched or rubbing against the walls of the tunnel? After the pumping session, do you feel your breast is uneven, with some areas still having milk pockets?

This indicates a wrong size of the flange that can cause a lot of problems. Many mothers feel that to increase milk supply they need lactation supplement but the fact is that a breast which isn’t fully drained sends the message to the brain that there is a decrease in demand which results in a decreased supply of milk. See if there is a white circle at the base of the nipple after pumping? Also look for any redness or soreness after you pump? If you answer any of the above mentioned questions in yes then chances are that the size of the flanges is incorrect for you.

Consequences of a Big or Small flange Size

If the areola is being pulled into the shield along with the nipple, chances are that the size is big for you. Although some people prefer a size up for more comfort but it can cause problems in the drainage of the milk, causing decrease in supply and mothers opting for lactation supplement to boost supply. On the other hand if the flange is too small, the problems will be doubled. First of all it will be painful to express, resulting in sore, red nipples. Secondly, the constant rubbing with the walls can make the nipples chafed causing discomfort and hypersensitivity.

If the size of your flange is not right, order a couple of new ones and trust me the right size of flange is worth buying. The breast pump is the real buy here, not the flanges, they are inexpensive, so don’t settle for anything less than perfection for you and your baby.


Looking for the right size of flange will be all worth it. The experience of the breast feeding and expressing milk will become a lot easier and less painful. Put the time and effort in the process and I’m sure you won’t regret it one bit.

Best Lactation Supplements and How Safe Are They?

You haven’t truly tasted motherhood if at some given point you didn’t doubt that the milk supply from your breasts isn’t enough for the little one. Self-doubting, feeling anxious and overthinking are some of the common traits of every mother. There’s no way to know how much milk is produced and how much is filled in the breasts, it’s all about guessing and relying on the hints given by the child. Mothers who feel that the supply is not enough to sustain the baby usually introduce formula milk to the child, which is not good for the baby. If any mother has particular concerns about her low supply she can rely on some of the best supplements for lactation available in the market, rather than switching to formula.

Breasts are the most secure, loved and comfortable place from a baby’s perspective. They find their nourishment, coziness and contentment from there. The warmth and security oozing from the breasts is heaven on earth for the baby. The slightest intimation of unease or crankiness from the baby gets the mind of the mother racing that she might not have a good enough supply for the baby. Opting for breast milk supplements is the first thing mothers turn to, which is not a bad thing.

Demand and Supply Rule

Mother Nature has designed everything immaculately, that’s also true in the case of breast milk supply. The milk supply is directly proportional to the demand of the milk, as the demand surges so will the supply. The more time the baby spends on the breast suckling it and drawing milk from it the more the supply will respond accordingly. The demand and supply rule is a bit more challenging for mothers who exclusively pump for their babies.

 Mothers have to follow a strict pumping routine, even if they work in an office they must pump at scheduled times to keep the supply steady. The cry of the baby usually initiates the feeding process but when outside it’s easy to forgo the session for something else. Even if the mother pumps regularly the breast pumps don’t entirely drain the breasts like a baby can. As a result, mothers might feel a drop in the supply.

Reasons for a Dip in the Supply   

There are myriad reasons that can contribute to the drop of the milk production. Mother is not well fed, hydrated, sleeping enough, or she might be facing some hormonal changes. She can also be on her periods or she might be on some birth control pills that can cause a drop in supply. Other than these reasons a disruption is this demand-supply system can be due to the use of alcohol, nicotine or the mother might have diabetes or blood pressure. But all this can be fixed with the best supplements for lactation which do wonders in amassing the milk stock.  

How Safe Are Breast Milk Supplements And Do They Work?

Knowing very well that whatever a mother eats or drinks will inevitably enter the baby’s body through breast milk. Due to this reason most of the mothers are dubious about taking even the best supplements for lactation. Most of these breast milk supplements have natural ingredients and substances, which are not medicines and don’t come under the radar of the FDA. These are basically labeled as dietary supplements so there is a risk that they might not suit everyone. These can sometimes have a negative effect on some mothers and work marvels for others. Always ask your lactation expert before going for any of the supplements.

The Best Lactation Supplements to Amp up the Supply  

Even after having a good and steady intake of supplements one can’t be sure as to how much supply has boosted. So it’s hard to tell if the supplement worked or not. With so many options in the market, all claiming to be the best anyone can get overwhelmed. There are all sorts of galactagogues like herbal, natural and organic. It's hard to choose. So here we are to recuse you, providing a complete guidance on best supplements for lactation. Let’s first explore more natural galactagogues and then head towards the more bottled ones.


Known to be used for centuries by women, this herb from the family of clover is used to surge up the supply of breast milk. Just a heads, the smell of this herb will reek from the urine, breast milk and even from the breath.


Another popular herb is fennel which is used in many foods as well. All the parts of this plant are edible and very useful but the seeds are particularly used as a breast milk supplement.


Oatmeal breakfast has been a staple of every mom who desires to increase the supply of milk naturally. There isn’t any scientifically proven research but many mothers vouch for its benefits.

Blessed Thistle

Used to treat a range of ailments, like diarrhea, digestive and respiratory problems, Blessed thistle has also gained popularity among nursing mothers. The roots, leaves, flowers and seeds of the herbs work as a galactagogue. Different parts have different functions so always use them with recommendation.

Now let’s head towards to lactation supplements;

Pink Stork’s True Milk

Crammed with multiple herbs like fenugreek, blessed thistle, anise seed, fennel seed and goat's rue true milk will not only increase the supply it also claims to improve the taste of the milk by making it a bit sweeter. All- natural, vegan and gluten free it’s just perfect.

Mommy Knows Best’s Lactation Supplement  

Made with two vital herbs, this one is perfect for moms who don’t want to start with too many active ingredients. Blessed thistle and fenugreek are the two key herbs and this one is also cruelty-free and vegan. It works fast but the only drawback is that you need to take a lot of the capsules mounting the cost.

Majka Lactation Powder

If you don’t want to pop capsules and want to actually taste the supplement we highly recommend this powder created by moms with expert nutritionists. The best thing about it is the taste, no chalkiness. All the ingredients are amazing and just a bit expensive.

Other supplements like, Upspring Milk Flow, New Chapter Supplements, Best Natural Fenugreek, The Honest Company Lactation Plus and Lactiful Supply Max are all good at boosting the supply of milk. 

Complete Guide on Storing Breast Milk

Breast milk is the best form of the milk for the baby. There’s no alternative or substitute for it, this is even written on the powdered milk formulas. Whether you are going back to work, seeking your partners help in taking care of the baby or just hanging out with friends for a couple of hours. As a doting mommy make sure the child has a constant supply of the best milk.  You can follow this complete guideline for storing breast milk for those times when you are away from your baby.

Storing breast milk means retaining all the healthy benefits of it and mothers can go about their life feeling content that the baby is being fed well. By storing the milk, mommies need not to wean the baby off of the breast milk to ensure proper sustenance. If any mother feels that the supply of the milk is insufficient for storing after feeding and wants to know how to increase milk supply, try MilkyMama’s breast milk cookies, they work wonders to increase the quantity. The first thing to be kept under consideration is how soon you are going to use the stored milk. For proper storing of the milk use the 4s rule that is 4 hours in room temperature, 4 days in the fridge and 4 months in the freezer.

Freshly pumped milk can stay perfectly fine at room temperature for up to 4 hours, after that bacteria starts to build up in the milk and it can go bad. In the fridge, the milk is totally fine up to 4 days, after that it is recommended to discard it. If you think you won’t be able to use it within 4 days then freeze it and milk will be just fine for another 4 months.

Before storing the milk make sure the hands are washed thoroughly. The bottles are clean and sterilized. Also label the time and date when the milk was expressed to ensure the right bottles are used and the bad ones are discarded.  Another amazing storing advice is to store in small batches of 2-4 ounces. I know, it means a lot of space in the fridge will be taken by baby bottles but this will prevent wastage. The leftover milk can be thrown away without worrying that so much is being wasted.

Room temperature milk is good to go whenever the baby demands, but if the milk is kept in the fridge then make sure you reheat it. The best way to reheat is to run the bottle under tap water or warm some water in a pan and place the milk bottle in it for 5-10 minutes. After this the temperature will be perfect. Never use a microwave or boiling water; it can scald the tongue of the baby.

To thaw the milk bottle that was kept in the freezer one has to be prepared a night before, so check on the supply mommies and be on top of the things to ensure an uninterrupted supply of milk for the baby. Place the bottle from the freezer into the fridge a night before and after that follow the same process for the fridge bottles.

Follow these tips for a constant supply of the best milk that will boost the immune system of the infant and always keep him smiling and nourished. 

Feeding Infants and Birth Resources during Covid-19

During these uncertain, ambiguous and testing times, each one of us is feeling a range of emotions. In this global pandemic, we at MilkyMama want to give the information that is evidence based, reliable and easy to comprehend. Breastfeeding is the bedrock for a healthy and strong child and ensures an efficient immune system which is very vital in these times. Breastfeeding is not only important for the child but also for the mother's health in the long run.

Despite the many benefits of breastfeeding, mothers are dubious about it and are concerned that if they may have contacted the virus or are suffering from the virus they can transmit it to the infant, thus risking their lives. The decision to nurse an infant should be taken while keeping all the factors under consideration. The risks of contacting the virus and the morbidity affiliated with the discontinuation of breastfeeding. WHO strongly recommends that mothers with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 should nurse the kids and must be counseled and educated if thinking against it.

There has been no evidence whether COVID-19 can be transmitted via breast milk. With the data available it is not likely to happen. A mother with a suspected or confirmed case of the Corona virus must take precautionary measures to ensure no transmission during nursing. Mother should properly wash and clean hands with soap and water and if the soap and water aren’t available then use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. She must cover her face with a mask of face shield while feeding.

 If the mother is expressing the milk she must wash her hands as mentioned before. It is also recommended that expressed milk should be fed by a healthy person to lower the risk further. If mothers feel a decline in milk supply due to no sucking of the infant they should try our delicious lactating cookies or our natural milk supply booster which significantly increase the supply of the milk and can be stored for later use.

Before gearing up for breastfeeding, mothers must receive high quality care before and after childbirth, which includes antenatal, intrapartum and mental health care. If you are a mother who is soon going to deliver the child in this ongoing pandemic then you must invest time and energy in some good birth resources. This will reflect very positively on your overall health before and after the delivery. You will be much more aware and ready to face challenges head on.

Assemble a birth team that understands your needs but be sure to take protective measures to keep the virus at bay. I strongly recommend reading books and articles, watching movies and documentaries and getting in touch with a birth doula.

Fear, anxiety, stress, uncertainty and not enough information evokes strong sentiments in people. Pregnant mothers and lactating mothers are even more anxious but fidgeting and overthinking won’t help. Seek help and proper guidance from your health care professionals to get on top of things and take protective measures to ensure safety of your loved ones.